Customer Testimonials

Great service from estimate through installation. Always able to talk with Terry with any questions I had pre-install through the quick, efficient installation of my Carrier AC system. The work is very neatly done, and I was impressed that they put tarps down in my house to protect my carpeting during the installation, and even vacuumed the carpet after they pulled the tarps up! I would certainly recommend McCullions HVAC and electrical to everyone!

– Ed D.

It was a pleasure working with Terry and Drake. I felt confident that the work would be done properly, and well. And I believe it was. Yes, I would recommend McCullions.

– Debbie T.

McCullions HVAC installed my Geo system. Very professional and great customer service.

– Jonathan Lilly

Excellent professionals…they know their “stuff”.

– Kathy Jordan Roncek

Great and prompt communication. Excellent Geo! Know their stuff.

– Jamie Lynn Hafer

These folks do a great job at reasonable prices! They are my go-to electricians.

– Chris Parker

Terry and Drake installed our new heat pump. Great work and great people. Would recommend to anyone.

– Ed Rodenbach

Excellent customer service and professional design and implementation

– Beth Bayer

Professional technicians, really nice. Everyone here in my neighborhood that needs service uses them too

– Josh

Great service, very professional, knowledgable, and helpful. Would highly recommend to anyone looking to have central AC/electrical work installed.

– Kelsey Hunsicker